Tag Archives: Road Trip

10.18.20 3 weeks until we hit the road

It feels like we are leaving next week… but thank goodness we have three more weeks because shit is getting crazy. I mean don\’t get us wrong, we want to hurry up and leave already, but we still have some logistics to work through.

We have gear bags, tackle, tackle storage, more tackle, camera gear, hat samples, memory cards, Pliny (damn straight) and a few other things arriving this week. The UPS, USPS, DHL and FedEx are all making a stop at FV HQ at least once this week… if not multiple times.

We have been assembling tackle packages for the Louisiana crew with gear from Z-Man, Matrix Shad and Buggs Fishing. It will be an all artificial fishing battle for Louisiana reds for this team.

Over the last couple of weeks I have been immersing myself into the various ways people catch redfish and other southeast inshore species. Every time I learn about how to fish for a new species I have to accept the fact that I am going to be lost initially. But with the help of my friends who just happen to be seasoned professionals… I am at least starting to understand how we are going to target redfish. I find it very interesting that redfish fall for some of the same fishing tactics as freshwater bass, I would have never guessed, then again I know next to nothing about largemouth bass either.

Crafted Fishing Rods and Above the Hook Productions released a sexy video on YouTube showcasing the giveaway built. It is freaking rad. To make it easy… we have it right here (see below). To enter to win… be sure to tag three friends on either Facebook or Instagram and then head over to our Louisiana Road Trip 2020 page to enter to win.

10.15.20 Another one… Brian Nelli joins the Louisiana team

We wanted to assemble a crazy good team for this content, media, trip development blitz that we are about to go on next month. We wanted some newbie\’s to the marsh/redfish scene and we wanted some pros that can help us catch some fish… our poor guide can\’t help fifteen (15) people at once now can he… or can he?

Having the likes of someone like Brian Nelli… dude that slays fish anywhere in any kind of water makes us a stronger team. We will have local perspective + perspective from professionals that have fished for redfish/various inshore species in other waters such as Mississippi, Florida and North Carolina. I can\’t think of a better way to learn but with a group of professionals with various backgrounds. This is going to be overwhelmingly and outrageously fun!

The team keeps getting stronger with each addition and we ain\’t done yet!

Brian Nelli background: Owner, head guide of Pushin\’ Water Kayak Charters in south Florida. He is an accomplished kayak tournament angler within the United States and abroad. He is also a partner in our trip development program with new trips being offered on FishVillage.com in 2021.

10.13.20 B.T.T. Louisiana Trip Planning Pt. 2

If you were to ask me what is at the center of this Louisiana effort, I would say that we are trying to put our best foot forward in our own backyard and connect people from all over the United States to incredible fishing adventures. This means more to us now than ever. Let\’s re-connect with the great fisheries America has to offer.

COVID has been a curse to many, very few have positive things to say about it. With all of that negative comes a few positives. We saw an opportunity to take our trip development program and rapidly build out new domestic locations with everything we have learned over the last few years.

This trip is the culmination of our \”pivot\”… yeah just like Ross said in Friends. This is setting us up for a very interesting 2021 which could see multiple new location and trip offerings.

The Fish Village way dictates that we live the experience. So that is what we are going to f\’n do! We are going to live up the opportunity as if it were our last trip. This means we are going to cram in as much as possible on the road trip, visit as many great people and operations as we can, fish as much as humanly possible and EAT!

We have some incredible partners getting behind this Louisiana program… NRS, Z-Man, BerleyPro, Tasline, Matrix Shad, Buggs Fishing and ActionHat have signed up to make sure that we can provide the best gear for our locations… what a team! This is just the beginning.

To keep up with our Louisiana Road Trip 2020… click here.

Thank you for your continued love and support.

Photo: We want the redfish equivalent in Louisiana… look at Brooks\’ stud snapper, from his recent trip to New Zealand.

10.12.20 Brooks Beatty + Louisiana Nov 2020 \”Another one!\”

Another one… queue DJ Khaled.

Brooks Beatty was such a hit in New Zealand that we just had to have him onboard for our next go around. He is a talented videographer, editor, angler that instantly connected with our crew. His skillset coupled with his knowledge of the Louisiana fishery made this a no brainer. He will be supporting Robert Field, host of Field Trips YouTube series to capture our adventure in Venice Louisiana.

We really like Brooks and expect him to be on future expeditions assuming our schedules continue to align. He is a perfect match for our team and he does something we are all not good at… fly fishing. This is a segment of the fishing industry that we want to explore more of… we see some opportunity for us to create some incredible fishing adventures much like we do for the kayak fishing community. But before we do, we want to create MORE incredible kayak fishing and small boat fishing adventures for you with Brooks in the mix.

If you didn\’t have enough reason to follow us along our journey, you do now! Remember that we will be blogging the entire trip, you can keep up with the Fish Village crew by following us on social media and on our Louisiana Road Trip 2020 dedicated page.

If you haven\’t seen any of his handy work, check out the incredible work he did for NRS with the A Resilient Paradise series. Here is a Facebook link to his latest short film shot in PAC Kayak Rental in where else… Louisiana.

Below is his first installation in the A Resilient Paradise series focusing on the Bahamas. With a backdrop like that, people will keep coming! Take a moment to watch the series to support our friends at NRS and the work that Brooks did.

10.11.20 4 weeks till the Louisiana road trip begins

We enjoy our road trips… mainly because we find excuses to mess with each other. I found this clip the other day from our road trip to Cambria for the Central Coast Slam Down in 2018. Joe was a bit sleepy and Tommy and I just couldn\’t stop ourselves from scaring the shit out of Joe. If you missed our Facebook post… check it out.

It is hard to believe that we are only four (4) weeks away from kicking this party off. Thank goodness we have been planning for months otherwise this is the part where I would start freaking out.

In other news… Brian @ Crafted Fishing Rods has been giving us sneak peeks at the Louisiana giveaway rod and we freaking love it! Someone is going to score one hell of a unique setup. If you haven\’t already done so… enter to win the rod.

10.07.20 B.T.T. Louisiana Trip Planning Pt. 1

This segment is a three (3) part series containing behind the scenes (B.T.S.) information regarding the planning that is going into our Louisiana adventure.

We are getting a lot of questions about what we plan on doing while visiting Louisiana. Are you going to New Orleans, are you fishing the Mississippi River, are you only fishing for redfish and the list goes on and on.

In short, we have worked out just about every detail we can consider ahead of this trip. This means that our focus on this trip is to simply live the experience for ourselves and capture amazing content so that we can tell our story. This is crucial to our process. Most of our customers tell us… we watched you guys on Field Trips w/ Robert Field on YouTube. This is all the motivation we need to keep making great Field Trips content.

We have a lot of California guys coming on this trip to help us connect with the West coast audience. We want to inspire our left coast anglers to get out on the road or to jump on a plane and live the same experience we did.

Fishing Agenda

  • At least three (3) days of fishing with the core team.
  • Up to two (2) additional fishing days with various folks.
  • Primarily inshore fishing for redfish, black drum, sheephead, speckled trout and flounder.

Keep Up With Us

Follow along with Fish Village as we head to Louisiana for a week of marsh fishing with 15 of our closest friends. Joe and Mike will be heading to Houston first for a visit with some friends. We will be posting updates, videos and pics along the way.

10.04.20 5 weeks until we hit the road

This idea started months ago and to think that we are only five (5) weeks out is sort of bonkers. To say that we are operating with \”maximum effort\” is an understatement. The team is killing it, it is a sight to behold.

The details about the road trip are firming up… we are most definitely stopping by the Houston area for a bit to visit a couple of our new partners. Heath from Buggs Fishing is going to show us around his shop and how to use his lures. Wouldn\’t you know it… our boy Rex lives a few miles down the road from Heath – PERFECT!

Keep an eye out this week for a big giveaway announcement related to our Louisiana trip… you guys will dig it!

Did someone say road trip? 9/8/20

We sure did.

This November, we are embarking on a 4,000+ mile adventure to Louisiana to reconnect with our inner vagabond. While there may be some shenanigans along the way, our objective is to build yet another amazing fishing adventure for you.

Instead of grabbing our passport, we are packing the truck and hitting the road. Over the upcoming weeks we will be sharing our route and anticipated stops for this 14+ day adventure.

Stay tuned for more on #LouisianaOrBust2020

09.08.20 Did someone say road trip?

This is exciting news… \”insert clearing voice sounds\”

Fish Village is heading to Louisiana… ummmm via the 10 freeway. Yup, you heard that right; we are going on a road trip.

Times are a changing… how many people do you know that drove somewhere new this year? How many people do you know that rented an RV for the first time or re-visited their love for camping? So why fight it… let\’s roll. Let\’s get out there and see America, one road, one person, one fish at a time.

This trip is focused on creating adventures for all of you in Louisiana. This means marsh kayak fishing, inshore kayak fishing and more.

Get ready for a lot of Louisiana content because we are throwing our A-game at this project!