Tag Archives: PYGMY GOAT

02.17.21 Fish Village + PYGMY 2021

We are pleased to announce our continued partnership for the 2021 PYGMY Offshore Kayak Fishing Tournament hosted in Navarre Beach, Florida.

Last year Derrick Benton of 85th Day hosted the first iteration of his GOAT offshore kayak fishing tournament called PYGMY. Why PYGMY??? Because it is nearly impossible to create the best ever offshore kayak fishing tournament during a pandemic… options are incredibly limited. So what is the next best thing to a full size goat… a Pygmy goat of course.

The difference between a Pygmy goat and a regular goat is that the regular goat can get bigger, much like this event. The first step towards being the G.O.A.T. (Greatest Of All Time) is to give anglers a reason to take this event seriously… Derrick just gave everyone $50,000 reasons why you should participate in PYGMY 2021.

If the little goat gets $50,000, what does this tournament look like when it grows into the full size G.O.A.T.? We know one thing for sure… we are sticking around to find out.

We will be sharing more about this event over the next few months. All event info and updates can be found on the official PYGMY 2021 event page.

Learn about Yahtzee King and how you can win a two (2) day guided fishing trip with Brian Nelli to either South Louisiana and South Florida.


The best offshore kayak fishing tournament is backā€¦ PYGMY 2 is back badder than ever with $50,000 on the line. Fish Village and 85th Day have teamed up again in 2021 to support Derrick\’s vision for the best offshore kayak fishing tournament out there.. With Derrick at the helm… the shenanigan\’s surrounding the event will be equally as intense as the fishing.


Saturday June 19th, 2021


Navarre Beach Florida


Opening soon

Fish Village Yahtzee King

At weigh-in, before the first fish is weighed, 5 dice will be rolled and summed to determine the target weight. If the sum is a 5, the smallest fish will win. If the sum is 6 through 30, the closest fish without going over will win the prize provided by Fish Village. In the extremely unlikely event of a tie, those fish in question will be transported to the nearest scale that can read to the next decimal place, thus breaking the tie.

Trip Prize

Choice to fish south Louisiana for marsh reds and trout OR south Florida\’s famous freshwater, inshore and offshore fisheries with Fish Village\’s Brian Nelli.

  • 2 days of guided fishing
  • Kayak + gear
  • Lodging
  • Meals
[googlemaps https://www.google.com/maps?q=Navarre%20Beach%20Florida&output=embed&hl=en-US&z=12&w=425&h=350]

PYGMY Related News

06.20.20 Pygmy GOAT Kayak Fishing Tournament

He said… \”Someone has to be the GOAT.\”

Well, Derrick is a man of his word. The GOAT will live on, but in a smaller package, dare we say PYGMY sized???

Today Derrick hosts approx. 140+ anglers in beautiful Navarre Beach Florida. What a feat considering the challenges 2020 has presented us with.

Anglers from all over the southeastern United States and even some beyond that came to Navarre to fish the newest strange in the tournament game. Cold hard cash is on the line and one sweet ass championship belt… like for realsies.