Tag Archives: Arizona

12.4.20 The final push through the Southwest

The final stretch through El Paso, Las Cruces and Phoenix… then the greater Los Angeles area.

Sunday 11/22 – 550 + miles

We knew that we would gain an hour in El Paso so we opt\’d for an extra hour of sleep and started the day a little later than the last few days. We made the short haul to El Paso where we would stop to grab more dry ice, fuel up and grab something to eat.

Joe had taken the reins on making decisions on where we would eat. Normally I wouldn\’t trust anyone else with my food… but Joe is different. That dude can sniff out a good meal anywhere on this planet. It is a true gift and we will follow his nose anywhere. His latest recommendation took us to this incredible place that makes gorditas… not the Taco Bell kind. This place smelled like fresh tortillas, smelled of grandma\’s delicious stews and meat goodness and no one spoke English. La Gorda… WE ARE AT THE RIGHT PLACE!

After figuring out which meat concoction we wanted to sample… we placed our orders and watch them go to work. A few minutes later we had our gorditas and the three (3) of us started a familiar cycle of sounds and sayings…

\”This is bomb\” – Pop\’s

\”Holy shitballs this is good\” – Me

\”Joe, try my meat\” – Also me

\”Only sounds and no words\” – Joe

\”Thanks Joe\” – Pop\’s and Me

After we finished stuffing our faces… we pushed on to New Mexico where we would make a pit stop literally to get gas and to drain the main vein and low and behold… we find the firework motherload.

Like two (2) little kids with their parent\’s credit cards… Joe and I loaded up on some fireworks. The people that worked there were so helpful and encouraged our bad financial decisions. The next time the earth shakes… it was probably us.

From there we just kept pushing until we hit Glendale Arizona, part of the Phoenix Metropolitan area. My Dad left his toiletry bag at the Best Western on our way out and wanted to get it back (it was my grandfathers bag). Luck was with us and they saved it for him. We un-hitched the trailer for the night and grabbed some dinner at Bobby-Q\’s again. The first time we came was such a hit that we had to do it again. We avoided a lot of restaurants on our trip back due to high COVID risks… so it felt good to enjoy a proper dinner.

Monday 11/23 – 360 miles

Our final run was our shortest run… so we slept in. We were highly motivated to get home and see our families but with any true California story you have to mention something about the traffic. Heading into the Coachella Valley we hit some \”put the brake on and turn off your car\” traffic. Of course… we are so close.

Fortunately it was about an hour delay… once we got past the obstruction we understood why. A semi was overturned with hazardous materials and no more to go. It looked bad… we could only hope that the ones involved were OK.

Some fuel and breakfast stop later… we were on the final run to my house in Diamond Bar. I got a bit emotional thinking this whole #shitshow was coming to an end. I loved just about everything we did… all the good, the bad and the yummy. What a treat. This will NOT be our last road trip as we loved the discovery aspect of it and the opportunities it provided us.

Keep an eye out for a full trip recap with intimate details about our trip and what I got out of it…

11.10.20 CA, AZ, NM and now TEXAS

We have been charging eastbound on I-10 for nearly two (2) days now and we are still not quite half way to our final Louisiana destination… but that is OK because we are having a blast.

Pops aka Mr. Steve Ponce is leading the charge by pulling the 24 ft. trailer with Joe and I shooting anything and everything that looks interesting. Our Canon\’s are getting a workout.

Monday 11/9 – 380 miles driven

We started a bit late due to some unexpected complications, fortunately it was a minor delay and we didn\’t have much of a schedule planned for the first day. So instead of making it to Tucson on night one, we only made it to Phoenix… this is largely due to the massively awesome dinner we had at Bobby Q\’s in Phoenix.

We just couldn\’t help ourselves… and we are so glad we stopped there. All we talked about in the car is where are we going to eat next… if you know my Dad, Joe or myself… then you know that we signed up for this road trip as a means to eat our way across America.

Tuesday 11/10 – 450 miles driven

We started our day around 7 AM searching for quality coffee for my Dad… Best Western had instant coffee and my Dad wasn\’t having that. So Joe found a Starbucks around the corner and the problem was solved… onward.

We traveled thru the rest of southern Arizona and crossed over into New Mexico by noon. We knew at this point that we could make it to at least El Paso before the day was over… we are officially back on schedule.

I spent a tremendous amount of time in Arizona in my twenties… but never anything east of Tucson. This road trip is providing the three of us the opportunity to experience the southwest and parts of the southeast together for the first time. We are thoroughly enjoying it.

Joe is our resident internet finder of things and he has yet to lead us astray. We were initially discouraged because a lot of restaurants are closed in this area on Monday\’s and Tuesday\’s, however this lead to Joe\’s discovery.

We had a very casual dining experience at Chala\’s Wood Fire Grill in the neighboring city of Mesilla just outside of Las Cruces, New Mexico. This dinner was not only fantastic, but light on the wallet.

  • Amazing smoked sausage w/ New Mexico green chili
  • Quality beef (rib eye and NY steak)
  • Compound butter
  • Fresh goat cheese
  • Farm fresh organic produce
  • Crisp, fresh iced tea
  • + cinnamon sweet tea for my Dad

Everything we had at Chala\’s was incredible… from the simple fresh salad with quality greens and a zesty citrus chili sauce to the giant rib eyes that had my Dad singing.

The three (3) California fat dudes went to town and came out on top with a small bill, full belly\’s and a happy driver!

After dinner we drove another hour to finally cross into the Lonestar state with our sights on El Paso. 40+ miles later… I was able to grab a hot shower, share some Basil Hayden bourbon with Joe and write a blog post. Not a hard day, but a long one.

Tomorrow we hit the road hard to try to cover some ground… From El Paso we will easily hit 500 + miles before we call it a day. From there we have to charge to Houston because we have a date with Bugg\’s Fishing and our boy Rex of ActionHat. Rex has some fresh off the presses, red hot, brand new Fish Village apparel that we GOTTA get our hands on.

Lastly, Tropical Depression/Storm ETA… PLEASE GO AWAY! You are f\’n with my vibe!