Category Archives: Trip News

Trip posts, updates and info. Anything we can provide to keep you up to speed on our trips.

10.04.20 5 weeks until we hit the road

This idea started months ago and to think that we are only five (5) weeks out is sort of bonkers. To say that we are operating with \”maximum effort\” is an understatement. The team is killing it, it is a sight to behold.

The details about the road trip are firming up… we are most definitely stopping by the Houston area for a bit to visit a couple of our new partners. Heath from Buggs Fishing is going to show us around his shop and how to use his lures. Wouldn\’t you know it… our boy Rex lives a few miles down the road from Heath – PERFECT!

Keep an eye out this week for a big giveaway announcement related to our Louisiana trip… you guys will dig it!

10.01.20 What makes a trip a Fish Village trip?

I have been asked this question at least one hundred times. The cool thing is that I sincerely don\’t mind answering the question again and again.

We have a no compromise approach to doing business. This means that we don\’t push aside our principles, beliefs and industry best practices just to make a buck. Collectively as a team we decided that if it takes one month, twelve months or even longer to make a trip worthy of the Fish Village brand… than that is what we will do.

Our trips invoke emotions in our guests…

Our process demands that we immerse ourselves in the experience… this means that we have to live the adventure before we can sell it. Through our experiences combined with our previous adventures we start to form the unique Fish Village trip experience.

Our trips consider everything you would want us to consider… and maybe then some:

  • Local culture
  • Local cuisine
  • Fishing adventures
  • Hunting adventures
  • Eco adventures
  • Lodging
  • Meals
  • Fishing gear
  • Transportation
  • Fishing permits/licenses
  • The list goes on and on and on…

The Fish Village experience is un-like any other trip offering out there. We do not re-sell guided trips or charters, we make trip packages that consider your needs. We offer niche experiences for kayak anglers and small boat anglers alike. Every trip offering made available on our website has the stamp of approval of Mike Ponce, Nic Gadouas, Robert Field, Joseph Martinez, Ivy Harris and Sylvia Ponce.

09.24.20 Are we giving up on international trips?

The short answer is an enthusiastic HELL NO.

We along with the rest of the travel community recognize that the impacts related to the COVID-19 pandemic are here to stay for quite some time… some are arguing it could bleed into 2022. Regardless of how long this lasts, we believe that the average person that likes to travel will still be cautious about jumping on a plane and heading to another country.

One of the many downsides to COVID is that we cannot predict when this will be over, thus we have to prepare ourselves for slow international travel interest and cautious travelers.

Thank goodness we live in America… the land of the free and giant fish! Though we will be slowing down our international trip development program for a couple of years, we will NOT be slowing down our domestic trip development program. In fact… we are speeding up.

Stay tuned for more US based fishing adventures.

09.13.20 Our Dana Point Sept schedule filled up quick

Our September schedule filled up quicker than we expected with multiple trip requests coming in over the last couple of days. This means our guide Tommy Ponce will be busy… don\’t forget about Fish Village during Christmas time Tommy!

Thank you to all that have expressed interest in these trips. With a little luck this trend will continue into the fall.

Did someone say road trip? 9/8/20

We sure did.

This November, we are embarking on a 4,000+ mile adventure to Louisiana to reconnect with our inner vagabond. While there may be some shenanigans along the way, our objective is to build yet another amazing fishing adventure for you.

Instead of grabbing our passport, we are packing the truck and hitting the road. Over the upcoming weeks we will be sharing our route and anticipated stops for this 14+ day adventure.

Stay tuned for more on #LouisianaOrBust2020

09.08.20 Did someone say road trip?

This is exciting news… \”insert clearing voice sounds\”

Fish Village is heading to Louisiana… ummmm via the 10 freeway. Yup, you heard that right; we are going on a road trip.

Times are a changing… how many people do you know that drove somewhere new this year? How many people do you know that rented an RV for the first time or re-visited their love for camping? So why fight it… let\’s roll. Let\’s get out there and see America, one road, one person, one fish at a time.

This trip is focused on creating adventures for all of you in Louisiana. This means marsh kayak fishing, inshore kayak fishing and more.

Get ready for a lot of Louisiana content because we are throwing our A-game at this project!

07.10.20 San Clemente Island Season Recap


My initial thoughts… WOW.

Re-wind to three (3) months ago… I was in a dark and gloomy place. I thought every trip in our arsenal was about to be cancelled. Sadly, that became a reality for most of our trips, however the one bright spot was the San Clemente Island 2.5 Kayak Mothership trips.

For starters, these trips almost didn\’t happen. The first trip was down to the last few days before we got the official go-ahead call that our charters were going to be able to run. Sylvia, Joe and I were frantically sending emails out to our groups trying to keep them informed.

I am so glad we fought for these trips… primarily because these trips were ultimately able to run and our guests just love them.

This year we ran four (4) mothership trips during the short six (6) week spring season and had a lot of first time anglers. People from all over California from San Diego to Redding made the trek down and even a few from out of state.

The primary takeaway that stuck with us was that this trip is essentially the gateway drug to our style of fishing trips. These trips are fun, well organized and create memories with anglers that are impactful.

My favorite part has to be the people… we have forged so many relationships as a result of these amazing adventures. Jesse Landry (Fish Village Pro Staff) drives eight (8) hours to join our little getaway… for the same reasons as we do. Friends like Charlie Wardle, Jesse Landry and literally hundreds more make these trips extra special.

The Islander creates a feeling of nostalgia that anglers immediately latch onto. Once they lived this adventure for the first time they realize what is possible. I have had people tell me… \”I can\’t do that.\” I have also heard that only serious anglers can do what we do. Well guess what… you too can do it.

If you told me that you did something for the first time on this trip… IT DID NOT GO UN-NOTICED! That comment is music to my ears. My first yellowtail ever! My first yellowtail on a kayak! My first mothership trip! My first sheephead! My first halibut! My first chunky monkey calico bass. Keep telling me/us, it fuels me/us to keep charging!

What do I love about these trips?

  • I love that my stomach hurts from laughing and that my cheeks hurt from smiling all day…
  • I love that people experience something new and push their boundaries of what they think they can do…
  • I love that people experience something new and push their boundaries of what they think they can do…

Oh… and we eat good too!

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for fishing with Fish Village. We will continue to build the best fishing adventures so that you can continue to push your limits on what fun means to you!


05.07.20 COVID SCI trip update

We have a lot of people asking about the San Clemente Island 2.5 day kayak mothership trips in June/July. As you would expect, people are asking a lot of questions about our most popular kayak mothership trip. Here is what we know as of now:

The Islander is asking us to plan on these trips proceeding as planned. Why… so that we don\’t miss out on the opportunity to go if the San Diego government authorizes the San Diego sportfishing fleet to run their trips. So that is what we are going to do. We are going to proceed as if we know for a fact that we are going on this trip.

What does this mean? Pay your bills, finalize your travel plans and gear up!

If for any reason these trips are NOT a go, we will refund your money or apply a credit to 2021 if desired. If you have any questions, please email

03.18.20 New Zealand Rd 2 Trip Recap

Eight (8) days on a boat with nine (9) other kayak anglers in one of the most untouched remote fishing grounds on this planet. Previously my longest mothership trip was a short three (3) day trip to the San Clemente Islands, which are about 70 miles offshore from San Diego. So I embarked on this journey with a nervous excitement.

I will be honest prior to my trip I knew very little about New Zealand, and even less of their fishing grounds. Luckily, I was with Aaron Covacich, Captain of the Bounty Hunter. Captain Aaron is one of the best Captains in New Zealand waters, and he is experienced in serving the unique needs of kayak anglers on a mothership trip. Throughout my 8 day journey I was repeatedly impressed by how well Captain Aaron knew the fishing grounds around the Great Barrier Islands. The waters around the Great Barrier Islands is what they call \”Big Water,\” so you would not want to do this with a novice captain. Captain Aaron not only knew how to expertly navigate these waters, but he put us on to some of the best fishing I have ever seen.

Some of you may thinking 8 days of straight kayak fishing might be too much for you, but the days on the Bounty Hunter passed quicker than I hoped. Also the great thing about mothership trips is the flexibility you have with your day. You can easily come back to the boat anytime for a hot shower and a nap, or even an afternoon of boat fishing. Captain Aaron went above and beyond each day make sure we were well fed and equipped for our day. We were treated to daily Kingfish sashimi, and there was always a hot cup of coffee or tea waiting for you when you came back from your day of kayak fishing.

A few lessons learned on the trip…

First thing you need to know before visiting New Zealand is the fact that they are fiercely protective of their ecosystem, so their customs is very strict in what they allow into the country. Plants, seeds, teas, most types of food products are usually not allowed. Even dirty camping equipment or muddy hiking boots may be subject to quarantine. Also, if you forget to declare any of these items you could be subject to a $400 NZD fine, so do yourself a favor and do a little research online to be sure you are aware of all current restrictions.

Fishing equipment can be subject to quarantine if it looks dirty or used, luckily this is only applicable to fresh water fishing equipment. So be sure when going through customs you make it clear that your fishing gear is for saltwater fishing only.

Lastly, make sure you apply for a NZeTa (New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority) at least 72 hours prior to your arrival. A travel Visa is not required for U.S. citizens, but they do require you to apply for entry prior to your arrival. This can be done online or through a mobile application for a cost of $35 NZD. You can find more information at the following url:

I know we always talk about the \”bucket-list\” trip, but this truly qualifies for that title. The fishing, the people and pure beauty of New Zealand will leave you with life long memories. As we discussed the New Zealand people go through great lengths to protect the purity of their land. Most of the smaller islands are off limits to humans in an effort to protect its prehistoric ecosystem. In fact some people refer to these islands as the real jurassic park. This amazing ecosystem of plant and animal life has remained untouched for literally thousands of years. During my days of fishing I was constantly amazing at the beauty of the landscapes and marine life, but the most amazing sight of the whole trip was the night sky. These remote islands are free from any light pollution allowing you see thousands of stars each night. For the first time in my life I was able to see the Milky Way with my naked eye. This along was worth the price of admission of this trip. 

In my next blog posting I will walk you through my first few days at sea as we head out to our final destination the Mokohinau Islands, a tract of some of the most remote fishing grounds in the Southern Hemisphere.

03.12.20 Introducing our New Zealand Kayak Mothership trips

Over the last 13 months we have been working diligently to bring a new kayak mothership trip experience to our customers. Something that fires up the kayak fishing community, a trip that pushes the boundaries of our perceived reach and lastly… something that we would be proud of. Well… we did it.

Introducing our latest trip offering… Kayak Mothership Fishing Trips at the Great Barrier Islands in New Zealand.

This milestone represents our unwavering commitment to bringing our customers the very best bucket list experiences. New Zealand alone is on many people\’s bucket list (including my own) however that wasn\’t enough for us… we wanted lots of fishing and more specifically kayak fishing. And if that wasn\’t enough, we wanted to take those kayaks offshore and offer anglers a fishing experience unlike any other. So with Martyn Gittens help… we did just that.

Marty Gittens, owner of BerleyPro and Tasline started putting together trips and then started sharing his experiences with his friends. A trip to Panama, a separated shoulder and LOTS of beer later… we found ourselves planning our first trip to New Zealand.

Fast forward to now, fresh off our latest trip (which unfortunately I was not able to go on) and we find ourselves sharing this amazing fishing experience with you all.

This trip would NOT be possible without the amazing contributions from Marty Gittens. You sir are a crazy genius and the number one reason this trip is a reality. You are as brilliant as you are kooky and we wouldn\’t have you any other way.

You can\’t have a mothership trip without a captain… that is a fact. Aaron Covacich, the captain of the Bounty Hunter helps make this trip stand out. His commitment to his guests and having a good time is one of the fundamental reasons why we believe in this trip so much. Aaron is a legend and we are honored to work with him.

Lastly, our friends at Catch Fishing have stepped up to make sure that our guests have the best gear in New Zealand. John Donald, owner of Catch Fishing builds tackle packages for our guests to ensure they are well equipped. He has been a supporter of this venture since day one. This is the cherry on top.

Between BerelyProTaslineBounty Hunter ChartersCatch Fishing and the Fish Village team… I am confident that we have built something special and I could not be more proud. Thank you to my team, my wife, Marty, Aaron and John for helping create yet another amazing kayak fishing experience.