12.18.20 Many are happy and some are not

Some of you are probably wondering… what the hell am I talking about?

We just launched the 2021 San Clemente Island kayak mothership trip season schedule to our mailing list subscribers on Wednesday promptly at 6:00 PM. We knew that people wanted to get on this trip… we knew that people missed out on this trip last year due to COVID AND we knew that a lot of you are going crazy sitting at home.

We expected a large response… but we didn\’t expect a GIGANTIC response to the point where we couldn\’t even keep up. My poor wife who largely runs the administration of our company behind the scenes has been on a tear over the last two (2) days. She is booking all of you, she is creating the invoices and managing our email inbox all at the same time… normally not a challenge, but WOW this time she needed some help. So Joe and I stepped in to lend a hand to get through 300+ email requests, 40 DM\’s, 88 bookings and 80 invoices that were generated as a result of this release.

This is not a burden… this is exciting. This means we are growing. This means that we are providing a quality experience that people want to be a part of. We have always felt that this particular experience is something that every kayak angler would want to be a part of at least once. Even freshwater anglers find themselves at home on this trip… it seems to speak to just about everyone.

This trip is connecting the entire California kayak fishing community from NorCal to San Diego. Heck, we even have a few that travel from Nevada and Arizona. This means that the Islander crew gets a few more trips to work, means more money for them and their families. It also means a spike to the local economy in San Diego with hotel stays, meals, parking, etc.

We are working longer hours than normal right now to get you all booked and billed + ADD MORE TRIPS. This won\’t take long… most likely by Monday at the latest. We have already requested more trips from the Islander and may be adding a 3.5 day option as well, as we received a lot of requests for a longer trip. This is our highest priority right now… YOU are our highest priority right now.

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