01.16.20 Our village has grown

We wanted to make a big splash this year and show the industry that we mean business. We wanted to provide opportunities for some that are just getting started in the industry and we wanted to pair up with some leaders as well. Well… I kinda think we nailed it!

We were absolutely blown away with the 70 + applications submitted. After heavy deliberation we landed on 18 fishing team members. Isn\’t that nuts?

Our team grew from a handful to a proper village sized fishing team. We have people from all over the United States and internationally with a few blokes from Australia and New Zealand. And to top it off… we have members of our US military on our team. So much to look forward to in 2020.

Team Captains

Ivy Harris
Derrick Benton
Brian Nelli
Marty Gittens

Trip Ambassadors

Jesse Landry
Ryan Howell

Tournament Ambassadors

Billy Centrone
Sean Rigby
Paul Rountree

Brand Ambassadors

Brandon Barton
Charlie Wardle
Bryan Hildebrandt
Frank Roznos
Tommy Ponce
Kaleb Kvartek
Scott Bryant
Eric Muhoberac
Kyle Zemke