07.29.22 CCKF Slam Down is back this September

We have been missing the annual road trip north to the Central Coast of California to visit our friends and participate in one of the friendliest, family oriented kayak fishing tournament we have ever seen. CCKF Slam Down is BACK this September 9-10.

Those that have participated know that this is more than a fishing tournament… it is a chance to camp in a beautiful part of California known for solid cabezon, lingcod and a large variety of rockfish. Anglers, friends, families alike feast and share stories around a campfire.

This year the event will be held in the San Simeon community with fishing permitted anywhere along the surrounding Central Coast region (rules will be listed once registration opens up).

This event allows anglers to camp or stay wherever they want and fish wherever they want. The captain\’s meeting and post main event potluck are hosted in a public park/campground where everyone can participate even if they are not staying there. So snatch up your accommodations and get to planning!

  • Hearst San Simeon State Park website
  • San Simeon Creek Campground & Washburn Campground website

Local campground(s) Google search = https://www.google.com/search?q=hearst%20san%20simeon%20campground&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS1015US1015&oq=Hearst+San+Simeon+campground


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